
Expressing capability and incapability

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Expressing capability and incapability

Capability / ability digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kemampuan /
kesanggupan / kebiasaan. Sedangkan incapability / inability digunakan
untuk mengungkapkan ketidakmampuan / ketidaksanggupan /
1. Asking for capability / ability
- do you think you are capable of.....?
- are you capability of ( v-ing )
- are you capable to......?
- are you able to
- can / could you ......?
2. Showing capability / ability
- I am capable of doing it
- Im able to......
- i have the ability to do it
- im good at ( noun / kata benda )
- i can / could do it
3. Showing incapability / inability
- i'm not sure i'm capable of doing it
- i'm not capable of doing it
- i am not able to......
- i don't think i have ability
- i'm not sure i can
- i won't be able to
- i can't / couldn't do it
Contoh soal : dialogue
1. . Supeksa : can you help me typing my report ?
. Rahde : sorry, i am not able to type it using computer.
From the dialogue above we can conclude that......
a. Supeksa will help Rahde
b. Rahde has ability to type using computer
c. Rahde is very disappointed
d. Rahde doesn't have ability to type using computer
e. Supeksa is pleasure to ask rahde
Pembahasan :
Dalam dialog, supeksa bertanya dengan " can you help me....? " and
Rahde menjawab dengan " sorry, i am not able to...... " maka jelas
bahwa yang dibahas dalam dialog ini adalah ketidakmampuan karena
Rahde mengatakan " i'm not able ". Jadi Rahde tidak mempunyai
kemanpuan mengetik dengan komputer / rahde doesn't have ability to
type using computer.
Nah itulah catatan atau artikel saya pada hari ini. Jadi tunggu
artikel- artikel selanjutnya. Di http://www.supeksa.blogspot.com . Jika ada
kesalahan maupun kekurangan mohon dimaklumi.
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