
Dialogue : expressing love

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Dialogue : expressing love

Om swastyastu all. Read and practice the dialogue ( supeksa and santi
). Then answer the questions ! Ready..?
. Supeksa : Santi, i have something to say to you
. Santi : what's that ?
. Supeksa : i don't know wheather this is the right time or not to
say. But, i can't wait anymore.
. Santi : why are you so confused ? Just say it !
. Supeksa : well, actually i have special feeling with you
. Santi : what do you mean ?
. Supeksa : i love you
. Santi : are you serious ?
. Supeksa : yes , i do
. Santi : even i have already crushed on you
. Supeksa : you too ? That's amazing
hahaha akhirnya cinta supeksa di terima, hmhm...
ok, this discussion
1. What cannot supeksa wait for ?
2. What does supeksa mean about " a special feeling " ?
3. What expression does supeksa use to express his feeling toward santi ?
4. Does santi accept supeksa's feeling about her ? How do you know ?
ok, you can answer the questions , give me comment , see a... Bye om
santih santih santih om
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